Results for 'Isabelle Marquis Hachez'

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  1.  8
    Rethinking institutions and deinstitutionalisation from a disability perspective.Isabelle Marquis Hachez - 2024 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 18-2 (18-2):13-20.
    1. The 2022 Alter Conference “Rethinking institutions and deinstitutionalisation from a disability perspective.” Such was the theme chosen for the 10th anniversary of the Alter Conference, which was held at the Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles in July 2022. 2. The Conference Proceedings “Rethinking institutions and deinstitutionalisation from a disability perspective” also serves as the title of a digital book, available in open-access, which brings together some sixty papers from the actors...
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    Repenser l’institution et la désinstitutionnalisation à partir du handicap.Isabelle Marquis Hachez - 2024 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 18-2 (18-2):5-12.
    1. La Conférence Alter 2022 “Repenser l’institution et la désinstitutionnalisation à partir du handicap,” telle fut la thématique choisie pour le 10e anniversaire de la Conférence Alter qui s’est tenue à l’Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles en juillet 2022. 2. Les Actes de la Conférence “Repenser l’institution et la désinstitutionnalisation à partir du handicap,” c’est aussi le titre du livre numérique en accès libre qui rassemble une soixantaine de contributions émanant d’acteurs et actrices...
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    Les sources du droit revisitées.Isabelle Hachez (ed.) - 2012 - Bruxelles: Université Saint-Louis.
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    Le droit malgré tout: hommage à François Ost.François Ost & Yves Cartuyvels (eds.) - 2018 - Bruxelles: Presses de l'Université Saint-Louis.
    Depuis Droit, mythe et raison (1980) écrit avec Jacques Lenoble jusqu’aux récents À quoi sert le droit? Usages, fonctions et finalités (2016) ou Le droit, objet de passions (2018), François Ost ne cesse de questionner les rapports de nos sociétés au droit et la place de celui-ci dans nos sociétés contemporaines. Avec Le droit malgré tout, il s’agit de rendre hommage à l’œuvre et à la carrière d’une figure centrale de la théorie du droit contemporaine et aussi au fondateur, avec (...)
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  5. Order out of Chaos.Ilya Prigogine & Isabelle Stengers - 1985 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 36 (3):352-354.
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    La fin des certitudes: temps, chaos et les lois de la nature.Ilya Prigogine & Isabelle Stengers - 1996 - Odile Jacob.
    Le prix Nobel de chimie montre comment ses résultats les plus récents en physique théorique lui permettent de résoudre les problèmes qui rendent invraisemblables, malgré leur succès retentissant, tant la physique classique que la mécanique quantique : le paradoxe du temps et le paradoxe quantique. ©Electre 2021.
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    Moving to the rhythm of spring: a case study of the rhythmic structure of dance.Isabelle Charnavel - 2023 - Linguistics and Philosophy 46 (4):799-838.
    The specific goal of the article is to investigate the principles governing the perception of rhythmic structure in dance and music—taken separately and together—on the basis of a case study. I take as a starting point Lerdahl and Jackendoff’s (A generative theory of tonal music. MIT Press, 1983) conception of musical rhythm as the interaction between grouping and meter, and I examine to what extent it can apply to dance. Then, I explore how the rhythmical structures of music and dance (...)
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    Carl Linnaeus's botanical paper slips (1767–1773).Isabelle Charmantier & Staffan Müller-Wille - 2014 - Intellectual History Review 24 (2):215-238.
    The development of paper-based information technologies in the early modern period is a field of enquiry that has lately benefited from extensive studies by intellectual historians and historians o...
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    Women’s Perspectives on Ancient and Medieval Philosophy.Isabelle Chouinard, Zoe McConaughey, Aline Medeiros Ramos & Roxane Noël (eds.) - 2021 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
    This book promotes the research of present-day women working in ancient and medieval philosophy, with more than 60 women having contributed in some way to the volume in a fruitful collaboration. It contains 22 papers organized into ten distinct parts spanning the sixth century BCE to the fifteenth century CE. Each part has the same structure: it features, first, a paper which sets up the discussion, and then, one or two responses that open new perspectives and engage in further reflections. (...)
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    Dialog mit der Natur: neue Wege naturwissenschaftlichen Denkens.Ilya Prigogine & Isabelle Stengers - 1986
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  11. Otherness in the pratyabhijñā philosophy.Isabelle Ratié - 2007 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 35 (4):313-370.
    Idealism is the core of the Pratyabhijñã philosophy: the main goal of Utpaladeva (fl. c. 925–950 AD) and of his commentator Abhinavagupta (fl. c. 975–1025 AD) is to establish that nothing exists outside of consciousness. In the course of their demonstration, these Śaiva philosophers endeavour to distinguish their idealism from that of a rival system, the Buddhist Vijñānavāda. This article aims at examining the concept of otherness (paratva) as it is presented in the Pratyabhijñā philosophy in contrast with that of (...)
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    Languages of ineffability: the rediscovery of apophaticism in contemporary analytic philosophy of religion.Sebastian Hüsch, Isabelle Koch & Philipp Thomas - unknown
    I present and discuss recent work in analytic philosophy of religion on apophaticism and divine ineffability. I focus on three questions: how can we call God ineffable without contradicting ourselves? How can we refer to an ineffable God? What is the point of talking about an ineffable God?
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    L'amour de la justice de la Septante à Thomas d'Aquin.Anne-Isabelle Bouton-Touboulic (ed.) - 2017 - Pessac: Ausonius Publications.
    This volume contains twenty-two papers dedicated to ancient and medieval representations of justice, from the Septuagint to Thomas of Aquinas. It explores over a long historical period the evolution of various aspcts of this notion, understood as an individual virtue and as an ethical ideal, but also as a political value embodied in laws, rules, and institutions. In particular, it examines how early Christian authors, relying on biblical meanings of justice, have modified the conceptual framework and socio-political practices bound to (...)
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    La philosophie de Vladimir Jankélévitch: sources, sens, enjeux.Isabelle de Montmollin - 2000 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Aborder la philosophie de Jankélévitch d'une manière globale, selon ses sources, son sens et ses enjeux, tel est le propos de cet ouvrage - le premier de ce type. L'auteur l'a conçu dans la conscience d'un décalage, à combler, entre ce que l'on sait de cette philosophie et la nouveauté, l'audace, l'ouverture de ce qu'elle donne à entrevoir, pour peu qu'on prenne la peine de l'" écouter ". La parole jankélévitchienne est pourtant faite pour s'adresser à notre perplexité désenchantée, en (...)
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  15. «La solidarité du mal»: Lire la Science de la morale aujourd'hui.Isabelle de Mecquenem - 2003 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 45:43-53.
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  16. Systems: Philosophical consequences of enlightenment geography.Isabelle Laboulais-Lesage - 2006 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 59 (1):99-128.
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    Altérité et droit: contributions à l'étude du rapport entre droit et culture.Isabelle Schulte-Tenckhoff (ed.) - 2002 - Bruxelles: Bruylant.
    Plus que de différences qui se juxtaposent, on parle aujourd'hui de processus de différenciation pour traduire le changement fondamental entraîné par la rupture du lien jusqu'ici présumé insécable entre la culture en tant que facteur d'identification collective et son inscription spatiale. A la dichotomie classique entre Nous et les Autres - fondement même du projet anthropologique - se substituent ainsi de nouvelles catégories hybrides : communautés diasporiques, transnationalisme, créolisation, autant d'indicateurs thématiques d'une véritable réorientation de la réflexion sur la culture. (...)
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    Average faces: How does the averaging process change faces physically and perceptually?Isabelle Bülthoff & Mintao Zhao - 2021 - Cognition 216 (C):104867.
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    On the Ṣaḍdhātusamīkṣā, a Lost Work Attributed to Bhartṛhari: An Examination of Testimonies and a List of Fragments.Isabelle Ratié - 2018 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (4):709.
    The fifth-century grammarian-philosopher Bhartṛhari has long attracted scholarly attention, and deservedly so: his magnum opus, the Vākyapadīya, had a profound impact on later Indian schools of thought, Brahmanical as well as Buddhist. The Vākyapadīya is not, however, the only grammatical and/or philosophical work ascribed to Bhartṛhari in addition to a commentary on Patañjali’s Mahābhāṣya: according to several sources dating back at least to the tenth century, the same author also composed a Śabdadhātusamīkṣā or Ṣaḍdhātusamīkṣāi, which, unfortunately, has not come down (...)
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  20. Permanences et mutations d'une seigneurie dans la principauté de morée: L'exemple de corinthe sous l'occupation latine.Isabelle Ortega - 2010 - Byzantion 80:308-332.
    Corinth, which can be defined as the lock of the Peloponnesus for its site both unassailable and standing at the entrance of its eponymous isthmus, was occupied by the Latins as early as the 13th century and continued to be related to the princely or baronial power until the beginning of the 15th century. However, and besides its political and military interest, Corinth turns out to be a seigniory, as brought to light by historical sources, and notably archaeological finds, which (...)
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  21. Natural history and information overload: The case of Linnaeus.Staffan Müller-Wille & Isabelle Charmantier - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (1):4-15.
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    Arts, ecologies, transitions.Roberto Barbanti, Isabelle Ginot, Makis Solomos & Cécile Sorin (eds.) - 2024 - Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
    Arts, Ecologies, Transitions provides in depth insights into how aesthetic relations and current artistic practices are fundamentally ecological and intrinsically connected to the world. As art is created in a given historic temporality, it presents specific modalities of productive and sensory relations to the world. With contributions from more than 45 researchers, this book tracks evolutions in the arts that demonstrate an awareness of the environmental, economic, social, and political crises. It proposes interdisciplinary approaches to art that clarify the multiple (...)
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    Aux sources de la démocratie anglaise: de Thomas Hobbes à John Locke.Myriam-Isabelle Ducrocq - 2012 - Villeneuve d'Ascq, France: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion.
    Avec sa succession de bouleversements institutionnels, le dix-septième siècle anglais fut un fabuleux terrain d'expérimentation et de réflexion politique d'où surgirent les grandes théories modernes. A cette période, philosophes et acteurs engagés tentèrent de penser, avec une acuité particulière liée aux événements (guerres civiles, régicide, république, dictature), les tensions inhérentes au pouvoir, tout à la fois perçu comme contraignant, tyrannique et libérateur. Quatre d'entre eux ont été retenus : Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679), le théoricien de l’absolutisme, James Harrington (1611-1677), le républicain (...)
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  24. Barbarisation et humanisation de la guerre [Introd. et coord. du dossier du n° 2 de: Asterion].Jean-Louis Fournel & Isabelle Delpla - 2004 - Astérion 2.
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    Critique de la représentation: étude sur Fichte.Isabelle Thomas-Fogiel - 2000 - Paris: Vrin.
    La 4e de couverture indique : "Si la philosophie la plus contemporaine s'articule autour de la critique de la représentation et dénonce dans la métaphysique classique la volonté d'unir en un seul concept (celui de "représenter") la multiplicité des dimensions de la pensée, elle tend parfois à négliger le fait que cette assomption de la représentation fut souvent accompagnée de sa remise en question. L'idéalisme allemand est l'un des moments de la crise de la représentation, l'une des figures les plus (...)
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    Morphologic for knowledge dynamics: revision, fusion and abduction.Isabelle Bloch, Jérôme Lang, Ramón Pino Pérez & Carlos Uzcátegui - 2023 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 33 (3):421-466.
    Several tasks in artificial intelligence require the ability to find models about knowledge dynamics. They include belief revision, fusion and belief merging, and abduction. In this paper, we exploit the algebraic framework of mathematical morphology in the context of propositional logic and define operations such as dilation or erosion of a set of formulas. We derive concrete operators, based on a semantic approach, that have an intuitive interpretation and that are formally well behaved, to perform revision, fusion and abduction. Computation (...)
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    The “Indefinite Discipline” of Competitiveness Benchmarking as a Neoliberal Technology of Government.Isabelle Bruno - 2009 - Minerva 47 (3):261-280.
    Working on the assumption that ideas are embedded in socio-technical arrangements which actualize them, this essay sheds light on the way the Open Method of Co-ordination (OMC) achieves the Lisbon strategic goal: to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world . Rather than framing the issue in utilitarian terms, it focuses attention on quantified indicators, comparable statistics and common targets resulting from the increasing practice of intergovernmental benchmarking, in order to tackle the following questions: how does (...)
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    Value practices in the life sciences and medicine.Isabelle Dussauge, Claes-Fredrik Helgesson & Francis Lee (eds.) - 2015 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Providing a compelling scholarly statement about the interrelation and pliability of values in the life sciences, medicine and health care, this volume aims to aid our understanding of the roles of power, knowledge production and economic action in the heavily scientised and economised areas of life science and medicine.
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  29. The Role of Scripture in Augustine’s Controversy with Porphyry.Isabelle Bochet - 2010 - Augustinian Studies 41 (1):7-52.
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    Le recours aux approches réflexives dans les métiers relationnels : modélisation des conceptions de la réflexivité.Isabelle Chouinard & Jessie Caron - 2015 - Revue Phronesis 4 (3):11-21.
    The tertiary industry development has increased researches on service relationship and professional skills needed in relational professions. Universities and education fields have also adapted their programs to ensure students acquire these new skills. However, knowledge on the topic is still incomplete. At the same time, professions are required to rationalize their outputs. To meet this requirement, the use of reflexive approaches has become common. Despite the increase of these approaches, few data are available on how they are conceived and used. (...)
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    Lire les dialogues, mais lesquels et dans quel ordre?: définitions du corpus et interprétations de Platon.Anne Balansard & Isabelle Koch (eds.) - 2013 - Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
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  32. May Sinclair in her time: reappraising May Sinclair's role in early-twentieth-century literature and philosophy.Leslie de Bont, Isabelle Brasme & Florence Marie (eds.) - 2024 - Montpellier: Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée.
    May Sinclair has been typically considered as a liminal author, positioned between two eras: the 19th and the 20th centuries, Victorian culture and modernism, traditional and avant-garde writing and thinking. As a result, traditional criticism has confined her to the margins of 20th-century literature and philosophy. Re-examining Sinclair's involvement in the literary and philosophical debates of her time, this collaborative volume seeks to challenge this liminal status and to reassert Sinclair's role as an author, critic and thinker firmly established within (...)
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  33. Les systèmes: Un enjeu épistémologique de la géographie des lumières.Isabelle Laboulais-Lesage - 2006 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 6:99-128.
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    The Contribution of the Stakeholder View to the Knowledge Creation Framework of Nonaka and Takeuchi.Sybille Sachs & Isabelle Kern - 2005 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 16:337-341.
    As knowledge creation quickly gains importance for globally active corporations, we attempt to combine the advantages of the Stakeholder View with those of the SECI model by Nonaka and Takeuchi. In order to support the mental processes of the stakeholders, we use so-called topic maps to transform implicit into explicit knowledge and to visualize it. The preliminary propositions are illustrated by the case study of Swiss Re.
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    Review - Medical Nihilism, Jacob Stegenga, OUP, 2018.Isabelle Drouet, Juliette Ferry-Danini & Cédric Paternotte - 2019 - Lato Sensu: Revue de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences 6 (1):16-19.
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    The Cyrenaics on the Premeditation of Future Evils.Isabelle Chouinard - 2023 - Phronesis 68 (4):410-437.
    In Book 3 of the Tusculans, Cicero reports that the Cyrenaics practised the premeditation of future evils. This article focuses on the philosophical consistency of this exercise with other Cyrenaic testimonies. It argues for the authenticity of Cicero’s report and provides a critical survey of previous attempts to reconstruct the theory underlying Cyrenaic premeditation, which addresses crucial questions about the management of future pleasures and pains, and the duration of affections. New evidence from Diogenes Laertius 2.94 is then used to (...)
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    Big Data in the workplace: Privacy Due Diligence as a human rights-based approach to employee privacy protection.Jeremias Adams-Prassl, Isabelle Wildhaber & Isabel Ebert - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (1).
    Data-driven technologies have come to pervade almost every aspect of business life, extending to employee monitoring and algorithmic management. How can employee privacy be protected in the age of datafication? This article surveys the potential and shortcomings of a number of legal and technical solutions to show the advantages of human rights-based approaches in addressing corporate responsibility to respect privacy and strengthen human agency. Based on this notion, we develop a process-oriented model of Privacy Due Diligence to complement existing frameworks (...)
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    L’intersectionnalité, une menace pour la sociologie (et les sociologues français) des classes sociales?Isabelle Clair - 2022 - Astérion 27 (27).
    Since the translation, in 2005, of one of Kimberlé W. Crenshaw’s articles introducing intersectionality into the field of French social sciences, the word and the theoretical perspective it labels have been the object of great mistrust on the part of many sociologists claiming a critical position. The lexicon of threat is mobilised to disqualify the intersectional approach – much more than to discuss it – because its aim, or effect, is to purely and simply erase social class as a fundamental (...)
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    Parental Burnout: When Exhausted Mothers Open Up.Sarah Hubert & Isabelle Aujoulat - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  40. Listening to suffering : the treatment of mental fragility at a home for adolescents.Isabelle Coutant & Jean-Sébastien Eideliman - 2015 - In Didier Fassin (ed.), At the heart of the state: the moral world of institutions. London: Pluto Press.
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    Compte rendu de Introduction à la philosophie des sciences médicales de Maël Lemoine.Isabelle Dagneaux - 2018 - Lato Sensu: Revue de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences 5 (2):39-40.
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    Qui rêve? Songes, visions et éthique chez Augustin.Isabelle Koch - 2020 - Cahiers Philosophiques 159 (4):61-76.
    Lorsque je rêve que je commets un délit, dois-je être blâmée pour mon rêve, ou pour ce que je fais en rêve? Augustin, comme la plupart des Pères de l’Église occidentale, répond par la négative à cette question. Pourtant, il défend plusieurs thèses qui semblent difficiles à concilier avec celle de la neutralité éthique des songes. En particulier, il considère que les émotions ou les pensées oniriques sont de véritables affects, sont de vrais actes de connaissance, et que nous les (...)
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    Transitions de culture évaluative chez des futurs enseignants de l’enseignement secondaire.Isabelle Nizet - 2016 - Revue Phronesis 5 (3-4):55-68.
    The professional learning in assessment of future teachers assumes a double cultural transition that is characterized by the passage of a first evaluation culture (of former pupil or student) to a second evaluation culture (professional) (Nizet, 2013, 2015). In this learning process, these conceptual aspects are essential to support benchmarking of assessment practices (Vial, 2009) as the epistemological status of the knowledge evolves in contact with professional activity. As part of a research on the process of “assessment literacy” (Mertler, 2004, (...)
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    « Une 'me de femme dans un corps d’homme ». La représentation du travesti dans les Mémoires de l’abbé de Choisy.Isabelle Billaud - 2004 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 23:133.
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    Loving Orphaned Space: The Art and Science of Belonging to Earth.Isabelle Bishop - 2023 - Environmental Philosophy 20 (1):187-189.
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    Perceptual Similarity Can Drive Age-Related Elevation of False Recognition.Isabelle Boutet, Khalil Dawod, Félix Chiasson, Olivier Brown & Charles Collin - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Who translated into French and annotated Mary Wollstonecraft’s Vindication of the Rights of Woman?Isabelle Bour - 2022 - History of European Ideas 48 (7):879-891.
    This article sets out to show that Mary Wollstonecraft’s Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792) was translated by Félicité Brissot de Warville, the wife of the prominent Girondin leader, Jacques-Pierre Brissot de Warville, and annotated by both. The demonstration is carried out through a study of the works translated by them, together or singly, before 1792: the annotation of those earlier works is echoed by the themes of the notes in the later chapters of the Vindication. These notes reflect (...)
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    Un tonneau sous le Portique: La réception du cynisme chez les stoïciens.Isabelle Chouinard - 2022 - Dissertation, Sorbonne Université
    Zeno of Citium, the founder of Stoicism, received part of his philosophical instruction from the Cynic Crates of Thebes. This connection left a lasting imprint on the Stoic school, which maintained strong ties with Cynicism. The first part of my dissertation contributes to our knowledge of these links by listing and analyzing all the references to Cynicism in Stoic writings, from Zeno to Marcus Aurelius. Each text is accompanied by a French translation and a philological and philosophical commentary. The complexity (...)
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    Photo de famille: penser des vies intellectuelles d'un point de vue féministe.Isabelle Clair & Elsa Dorlin (eds.) - 2022 - Paris: Éditions EHESS.
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    Le sens de la vie?: 46 figures marquantes vont au fond des choses.Isabelle Clément - 2006 - [Saint-Laurent, Québec]: Fides.
    De Bernard Arcand à Guillaume Vigneault en passant par Sylvie Boucher, Richard Desjardins, Jacques Languirand ou Andrée Ruffo, 46 personnalités québécoises provenant des horizons les plus divers expliquent en une page, avec ...
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